Can psilocybin treat the deadliest mental health disorder?

Recruitment for an upcoming trial – Psilocybin as a Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa: A Pilot Study

Anorexia has a higher mortality rate than any other psychiatric condition, as patients have a high risk of death by both suicide and organ failure.

Current treatments work for less than half of patients, which is why Imperial College London is preparing to study psilocybin therapy as an alternative. 

The school is recruiting female patients who have had a diagnosis for at least 3 years and have tried other forms of treatment without success. They’ll each receive 3 doses of psilocybin, and researchers will use several MRIs and EEG scans to understand the effects of the treatment.

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Enveric Biosciences and University of Calgary Collaborate on a Groundbreaking Clinical Trial for EVM-101 in Cancer Related Distress

Enveric Biosciences and University of Calgary Collaborate on a Groundbreaking Clinical Trial for EVM-101 in Cancer Related Distress

Enveric Biosciences (ENVB) will partner with the University of Calgary to study oral psilocybin for cancer-related distress. Patient enrollment will begin by the end of this year or early next year.

Enveric Biosciences

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Making microdoses even safer

Mydecine Announces MYCO-005 Family of Improved Safety Microdose Novel Molecules

One of the few concerns that experts have about microdosing is the long term impact on heart health. Psilocybin binds to 5-HT2B receptors, which could increase risk of heart valve disease with frequent use. 

Mydecine (MYCO) developed a group of patent-pending molecules that bind only to 5-HT2A receptors, making them safer for microdosing. The company aims to administer these compounds through a microdosing patch to eliminate another side effect: nausea. 

Mydecine Innovations Group Inc.

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PharmaTher Announces Grant of U.S. Patent on Ketamine Formulation

PharmaTher Announces Grant of U.S. Patent on Ketamine Formulation

PharmaTher (PHRM) was granted a US patent for its formulation of ketamine and betaine anhydrous, a chemical that occurs naturally in the human body and may increase ketamine’s antidepressant effect. The formulation is already patented in Japan and Taiwan, and the company expects to receive patents in Europe, Canada, Israel and China in the near future.

PharmaTher Holdings Ltd. Ketamine

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Oklahoma psilocybin research bill approved in committee

Oklahoma Lawmakers Approve Psilocybin Decriminalization And Research Bill In Committee

With a 7-2 vote, Oklahoma legislators approved a bill in committee to allow universities and research institutions to study psilocybin for various conditions including PTSD, depression, anxiety, dementia, traumatic brain injury, and chronic pain. It would also reduce the penalty of low-level possession of psilocybin to a $400 fine.

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Depression free for 1 year

Psychedelic therapy for depression still effective one year later

Johns Hopkins researchers followed up with patients one year after receiving psilocybin therapy. They found that 75% of patients sustained significant reductions in depression scores and 58% no longer qualified for a diagnosis. 

However, about a third of patients also used traditional antidepressants and 42% received additional psychotherapy at some point during the year.

So although psilocybin therapy can have rapid results, multiple treatment options can help sustain the benefits.

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Shroom use →  less crime

Psilocybin use associated with lowered odds of having been arrested, study finds

People who use shrooms are less likely to commit crimes, according to new research.

An analysis of The National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that psilocybin use is linked to significantly reduced odds of arrest for:

  • Larceny
  • Burglary & robbery
  • Simple assault & battery
  • Serious violence
  • DUI
  • And other miscellaneous crimes

LSD appeared to have no impact on crime rates 🤔

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Is microdosing a placebo? 💊

Nova Mentis Study Confirms Oral Microdose Psilocybin Treatment of Autism

This week, Nova Mentis (NOVA) announced that rats with cognitive impairments showed improvements in memory when given a microdose of psilocybin every other day for just two weeks.

However, a new University of Chicago study found no effect on mood or task performance after giving healthy volunteer 4 LSD microdoses 3-4 days apart in a placebo-controlled study.

Could it be that a more frequent dose is needed to see benefits? Or is psilocybin faster acting than LSD? Or maybe microdosing is a placebo after all.

Stay tuned as we follow along with the latest research. 

Neuroscience News Logo

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