In a twist more mind-bending than a walk through a Salvador Dali painting, veterans are increasingly advocating for psychedelic-assisted therapy to tackle mental health challenges. Picture this: a survey of 426 veterans—half tripping, half not—shows that those dabbling in psychedelics are not just on a wild ride for fun. They’re in it for healing, spiritual exploration, or maybe just a groovy day out.
Turns out, these psychedelic explorers are usually older, have logged more deployment time, and are battling higher rates of PTSD, depression, and anxiety. Despite occasionally confronting flashbacks that might make a horror movie look tame, most users reported the experience as beneficial. The secret sauce to avoiding those unpleasant side effects? Being older, choosing the right psychedelic, and tripping in a safe and well-prepared environment—because no one wants a bad trip in a messy room!
Veterans are raising their voices, louder than a psychedelic guitar solo, for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to give them access to these therapies. Currently, the only legal way to access these in the U.S. is through clinical trials, like the one at Ohio State studying psilocybin for PTSD. Supported by an ensemble cast of institutions, this research highlights the potential upsides of making psychedelic therapies more available to veterans.
So here’s to hoping we can soon say goodbye to the days of veterans having to choose between a clinical trial or a shaman named Rainbow to access this promising treatment!
Published Date: 2024-11-18