If you’re on antidepressants, psilocybin may be safer than MDMA

Psilocybin safer to take with psychiatric medications than MDMA, researchers say

An analysis of 40 publications found that MDMA interacts with antidepressants more than psilocybin.

Taking MDMA on antidepressants could lead to toxic levels of serotonin and may be fatal, with MAOIs posing a particularly high risk.

While there is less research on psilocybin, a study from MindMed and Liechti Labs found that the SSRI escitalopram was safe to take with psilocybin, and even reduced trip anxiety.

However, the analysis found that buspirone, chlorpromazine, ketanserin, or risperidone reduced psilocybin’s subjective effects.

This helpful chart has more information on how psychedelics interact with antidepressants, but remember that this is not medical advice. 

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