Help patients and clinicians fight for their right to psilocybin

Help TheraPsil-Supported Patients and Clinicians Fight for Legal Psilocybin

Our friends at TheraPsil helped 86 clinicians apply for Section 56 exemptions so they could participate in a psilocybin therapy training program.

Unfortunately, Health Canada denied the clinicians access to psilocybin, which will impact over 1500 patients who are desperately awaiting psilocybin treatments. Many Canadians will die before they have the chance to try psilocybin therapy.

TheraPsil needs our help to raise $100K to take the Canadian government to court to achieve lasting policy change so that Canadians can access the treatment before it’s too late. 

Support the cause here.


Oklahoma psilocybin research bill approved in committee

Oklahoma Lawmakers Approve Psilocybin Decriminalization And Research Bill In Committee

With a 7-2 vote, Oklahoma legislators approved a bill in committee to allow universities and research institutions to study psilocybin for various conditions including PTSD, depression, anxiety, dementia, traumatic brain injury, and chronic pain. It would also reduce the penalty of low-level possession of psilocybin to a $400 fine.

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Unanimous win for Hawaii

Hawaii Senators Approve Psilocybin Task Force Bill In Committee, With Decriminalization Measures Still Pending

Hawaii senators unanimously passed a bill to create a psilocybin research task force and develop a long-term strategy to make treatments accessible and affordable.

The state also has a bill to decriminalize psilocybin and establish psilocybin treatment centers, which remains active but has yet to be scheduled for committee hearings.

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