Studying the most depressed patients

Braxia Scientific to Commence Landmark Clinical Trial to Conduct Canada’s First Multiple-Dose Psilocybin Clinical Trial for Treatment Resistant Depression

“This will be the broadest study of its kind.”

This morning, Braxia Scientific (BRAX) announced that it’s launching Canada’s first multiple-dose psilocybin trial for treatment resistant depression (TRD).

Most TRD studies recruit patients who have tried a maximum of five other treatment options, but this study will have no upper limit on the number of failed treatments. Braxia researchers will even include patients who’ve gone through dozens of medical trials with no success, including ketamine and electroconvulsive therapy patients.

The randomized clinical trial will also include some patients with bipolar depression or comormid disorders, which are typically excluded from psychedelic studies.

“By including everyone with more than two failed medical trials, we are increasing the degree to which the results can be applied to a larger population, making our findings much stronger”, said the trial’s principal investigator.