With all eyes on the US election, we are sure that those in the psychedelic medicine sphere wonder what this could mean for the future of psychedelic medicine in the United States.
The US is home to many crucial networks and institutes that are moving the psychedelic agenda forward in any way they can. Among them, we spotted Dr. Bronner’s—a mighty wind beneath the wings of several psychedelic campaigns and initiatives—setting a great example by providing voter registration booths, giving workers a half-day off on November 3rd, with full day’s pay to encourage employees to vote.

We are in awe of these efforts and recognize the need for voters to ensure that these entities remain intact and that their funding and support don’t dry up post-election—no matter what the results.
When Will Psychedelics become Legal in the United States?
Polarized for decades, the American perception of psychedelics currently the gamut from novice, to skeptical, to overzealous. As a result, it can be challenging to zero in on which narrative is speaking the most to voters and politicians, many of whom have not voiced a definite opinion about psychedelics. Yet.
One politician who goes against the grain in regards to psychedelic medicine is Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Although the House of Representatives rejected it, Ocasio-Cortez did try to introduce a bill that would have removed an existing rider that scientists say inhibits research into the therapeutic potential of Schedule I controlled substances such as psilocybin, MDMA, and marijuana.
Nevertheless, the congresswoman, who has voiced support for groups like Decriminalize Nature NYC, promises to introduce more psychedelics legislation in Congress.

The FDA recently greenlit clinical trials for psilocybin and MDMA, designating both as “breakthrough therapy” for chronic conditions like depression and PTSD, respectively — with some wildly impressive results. Breakthrough therapy status essentially puts drugs on the fast-track to legality as medications for mental health. While voting for a president on November 3rd, the citizens of Oregon and the District of Columbia could also vote to decriminalize naturally-occurring psychedelics like psilocybin. For these reasons and more, Rolling Stone has published a prediction that psychedelics “will be legal as pharmaceuticals in the next decade.”
In a recent interview with PsyTech, Entheon’s CEO, Timothy Ko was asked what he thinks the impact of the election will be on the psychedelic industry. “With the election being so dynamic and divisive it is hard to get a grip through the noise on what the platforms for candidates are as they apply to psychedelic medicine. Much of the approvals and granting of breakthrough status have come under the current administration so there has been no indicator of cultural resistance, but the reasoning is often suggested that a democratic presidency would be more culturally lenient, and some of Biden’s platform positions indicate a relaxed attitude to cannabis. Whatever the case may be, the pandemic has highlighted a need for mental health treatments, and there we do require leadership when it comes to the effects of the lockdowns on mental health and substance use.”

Psychedelics Save Lives
As evidenced by increasing rates of substance-related overdoses and deaths, societies worldwide are ill-equipped and overburdened in managing and mitigating the growing mental health crisis.
Efforts to dampen the spread of COVID-19 through social distancing and shutdowns have kept the caseloads in those compliant areas relatively low compared to other jurisdictions globally. But the overall health of the global population has deteriorated over this year, with more people turning to drugs, alcohol, tobacco and other dopamine-stimulating “addictive” behaviours to cope with the stress.
The World Health Organization estimates that around 31 million people currently struggle with substance abuse issues alone. But that’s not the full story.
Addiction expert Dr. Gabor Maté defines addiction as any behaviour with negative consequences that one persists, pursues and craves despite those negative consequences. Dr. Maté’s definition helps to clarify why repetitive destructive behaviours – addictions and compulsions, with or without the involvement of a substance – are a massive, global problem.
The Entheon Biomedical team believes there are better recovery solutions out there, options that are rooted in innovations, new scientific findings, and the tremendous potential worth exploring in psychedelic medicines.
Studies show us that psychedelics can help create enduring positive changes to an individual’s mood, interpersonal relationships, attitudes, and beliefs. According to newly published results from MAPS, these substances are cost-effective too.
No matter which way the American election goes, Entheon Biomedical’s core mission will remain the same. We will continue to investigate, manufacture, and commercialize scientifically valid treatment options that are FDA, EMA and Health Canada approved to address the mounting public crisis of substance use disorders.